When should you consult a doctor for asthma?
When you
assume that you or any of your family members may have asthma, consult your
doctor. Some common symptoms that point to asthma are as follows:
Not every
one of the patients may have the same symptoms. Some people experience asthma
symptoms very often, whereas other asthmatics get the indications in long gap.
When you hear a high-pitched whistling sound during breathing, it can be
wheezing. It happens by the narrowing of the airways of the lungs due to
inflammation, swelling, and constriction.
spasmodic coughing;
If your
cough lasts for a long time and it worsens when you laugh, cry or exercise,
then it can be chronic cough and asthma. But when the coughing arises often at
night and after some days it is also found in day time, it is called
cough-variant asthma. Some doctors say, cough-variant asthma cannot be detected
easily, because the cough is the only symptom in this disease and you may not
experience other symptoms like chest tightness, wheezing and shortness of
breath etc.
of breath:
of breath is the stage when you cannot hold your breath and also feel like out
of breath and the lungs cannot get the required amount of air smoothly.
or pain in the chest:
When you
feel tightness or pain in the chest, you should consult your care provider, as
it is one of the major symptoms of asthma. Without ignoring this symptom visit
the doctor, because there are so many diseases like COPD, asthma, pulmonary
embolism etc. Besides these, heart diseases are associated with this.
When you
should go to the hospital?
When you
or your baby has asthma, prepare an asthma action plan with your health
caregiver. The health caregiver prepares a chart with instructions about what
you have to do when an asthma attack occurs, when you will call the health care
giver and when you need to go to the hospital etc. When you will call health
caregiver and when you need to go to the hospital etc. When you experience the
following symptoms, you will seek advice from your health caregiver or need to
go to the hospital.
your cough lasts for more than a few weeks, then go to the doctor. If you feel
difficulty in breathing nausea or severe chest pain, visit the doctor for
emergency treatment.
2. Also,
if you feel tightness in the chest and you have not been detected with asthma
earlier, contact your health care provider. You have to give the complete
picture of your problems to the doctor for correct diagnosis.
3. When
you have trouble in breathing, take two breaths of rescue medication or inhaled
Beta-agonist with a gap of 1 minute. If there is no improvement in breathing,
then take more breathe from the inhaled Beta-agonist in every five minutes.
After 8 breaths in 40 minutes, if no improvement is found, you should call your
health caregiver. You should also call your health caregiver when you have an
asthma attack and you do not get any relief after using the steroid inhaler.
4. If you
have an asthma attack, you experience trouble breathing and you cannot reach
your health caregiver, then go to the nearest hospital for immediate treatment.
5. When
you hear a high pitched or squeaky sound during breathing, especially at the
time of exhaling (wheezing), you can also seek doctor’s advice.
Similarly, sometimes, you may feel breathlessness or you cannot hold breathe.
At that time, you need an inhaler or reliever.
7. When
you wake up at night due to continuous coughing and wheezing and these symptoms
worsen during morning, at the time of laughing, playing or during exercise, it
may be clear case of asthma.
8. During
physical activity, you may feel tightness in the chest or some heavyweight
thing is kept on your chest.
9. You are
requiring some time off from your work and study, as you feel tired after some
time of work.
10. You
feel out of breath when you walk in a faster speed or by doing some labour.
11. You
observe that you are unable to do your regular work and exercise comfortably.
12. Your
asthma symptoms like coughing, feeling of breathlessness get worse when you
come in contact with smoke, strong odor, cold air etc.
13. If you
are a heart patient and you have crossed 40 years of age and sometimes you
experience dizziness, heavy sweating, and fainting associated with chest
14. When
your symptoms do not improve after taking the medication for asthma attack according to your
asthma action plan.
15. You
expel bloody or dark brown mucus during coughing.
16. Your
wheezing and coughing symptoms get worse.
17. You
have a high fever.
18. You
require quick-relief medicine more than two days in a week, mainly it is
prescribed only to take for exercise.
19. You
cough deeply and more often.
20. When
you experience wheezing for the first time
21. Your
skin color changes with other asthma symptoms.
Besides these, if wheezing occurs after beaten by any insect or after taking
some specific food.
When you will take your child to
Asthma in children is found in an
early age before 5 years and it persists till teen age. Sometimes the asthma
symptoms occur with other conditions. So in this situation, it is difficult to
diagnose asthma. However, by observing the below described symptoms, you need
to consult the doctor or take him /her to the hospital immediately.
1. Some children experience
symptoms like wheezing, coughing, but they don't have detected with asthma.
2. Recurrent coughing and coughing
worsens during and after energetic activity or playing.
3. Breathing sounds more than
normal breathing and sometimes a high pitched breathing occurs.
4. When the child suffers by
allergies by pollen or by pollution.
5. When the child has some skin
6. High fever occurs with coughing
and runny nose
7. If the child has wheezing
symptoms even in the absence of infections and cold.
8. When the child is found absent
in the school frequently.
9. Less participation in physical
Which medical tests are done to
detect asthma?
After experiencing symptoms like
wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness, you go to doctor for
treatment. Then the doctor will try to gather information for proper diagnosis.
He will ask questions about your symptoms and will ask you to do some physical
tests. Here are the tests the doctor will do.
Questionnaire Test
In the first step of diagnosis the
doctor asks about the symptoms and the health condition. From your answers the
doctor will trace whether it is asthma or anything else which is creating these
symptoms. The doctor will ask about the triggers which foster to worsen asthma
symptoms. His/her questions may be as following:
* What types of symptoms do you
experience and in which time they occur? Are the symptoms found in a certain
time in a year or in certain place? Is there anything which worsens them? Are
the symptoms getting worse at night?
* Does fever come when the symptoms
are found or do you have any allergy?
* Do you come in contact with
tobacco smoke, dusts, pollens or any airborne allergies?
* Is there any hereditary condition
of asthma, allergy or high fever?
* Is there any other health problem
with you?
* What type of medications or any
alternative treatments you are taking?
* Which type of work you do?
* Do you keep any pet animals or
bird at home?
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