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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Top Symptoms of Asthma

Top symptoms of Asthma include coughing especially at night, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest pain etc.

Asthma is related to a respiratory condition characterized by attacks of spasm in the bronchi of the lungs, cause trouble breathing. It is usually connected to allergic responses or other forms of hypersensitivity.

Asthma is considered as chronic lung disease and it is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes with increased production of sticky secretion inside the tubes. When the airways tighten, inflame, or fill with mucus people suffer from most common symptoms of asthma and it may be severe asthma attack. Many people are not aware that they have it, especially if their symptoms are not severe. Common asthma symptoms include:
1.Coughing especially at night:

Coughing is one of the symptoms of asthma which worsens at night or early in the morning. It also occurs during exercise or at the time of laughing. Mainly it creates a problem in sleeping.

2. Wheezing:

Wheezing is a high-pitched sound in your chest that occurs when you breathe, especially when exhaling. The sound of wheezing mostly comes when air moves through narrowed breathing tubes in the lungs. This symptom of asthma occurs also due to blockage of larger airways.

3. Shortness of breath:

Some people who have asthma say they can’t hold their breath or they feel out of breath. You experience difficulties in breathing as if you can’t get air out of your lungs.

4. Chest tightness, pain or pressure

This symptom of asthma may feel like something is squeezing or heavy weight is kept on your chest. Asthma is a serious disease irrespective of its different symptoms and can be deadly if you will not provide proper treatment for this.

Symptoms of asthma worsen with exposure to an allergen (such as -pollen, ragweed, and pet hair or dust mites), irritants in the air (such as- chemical fumes, smoke or strong odours) or extreme weather conditions. Illness mainly a respiratory illness or the flu, and exercise can also make you more vulnerable.

Physical activity of strong emotion also affects normal breathing patterns such as shouting, crying or laughing may also responsible for an asthma attack. Panic or any news which makes you fear can prevent a person with asthma from relaxing and doing according to instructions, is required during an attack. According to scientists if you breathe fast due to strong emotions, it can squeeze the bronchial tubes and becomes the reason for making an attack worse.

Symptoms of asthma can come out at any time. Every person’s symptoms may not show the same difficulties. You may not have all the symptoms or you may have different symptoms at different times. These symptoms may vary from one asthma attack to the next. Mild attacks may continue only for a few minutes and maybe cured rapidly or by taking specific treatments: but more severe attacks are dangerous and can continue for some hours or some days. It is needed t distinguish and give proper medication. Because, treatment for mild asthma attacks can prevent severe episodes and can also keep asthma under better control.

Some people with asthma may not experience any symptoms for a long time, called asthma attacks and some may experience frequent asthma symptoms. Additionally, some people may only feel like asthma during exercise, or asthma with viral infections like colds.

Whenever you experience a breathing problem, you feel uncomfortable to do your daily activities. This symptom of asthma also decreases the quality of your life. Go to an allergist for diagnosis and treatment and visit an asthma testing centre in your area. You will get help from an allergist in ways to manage during an emergency.

A lung function test is always necessary to diagnose asthma. You are advised to use a lung function test, a medical history (including type and frequency of symptoms), and a physical exam.

Symptoms of asthma in children and infants

All the asthmatic children may not have the same symptoms and these symptoms vary from one attack to another in the same child.

Possible symptoms of asthma in children:
1.Frequent coughing spells: It may occur during playing, at night, or while laughing or crying.
2. Chronic cough: This reason may be sufficient to diagnose asthma symptom.
3. Less energy: The child feels energy less during playing.
4. Rapid breathing: He breathes intermittently.
5. Chest tightness: The child complaints chest tightness or chest hurting.
6. Wheezing: Whistling sound comes from the chest from the chest when the child breathes.
7. Retractions: See saw motions in the chest from awkward breathing. These motions are called retractions.
8. The child also observes tightened neck and chest muscles, shortness of breath, loss of breath and feels tired and weak.

After observing these symptoms in your child you have to consult a paediatrician to evaluate the illness that complicates your child’s breathing. Many doctors diagnosed it as ‘reactive airway disease’ or bronchiolitis after listening episodes of wheezing with shortness of breathe or cough in child. Test to confirm asthma which should not be acute after age.

 signs of asthma in adults:    
Like children, adults suffering from asthma show symptoms like dry, cough, more coughing during night or may be sensitive towards specific triggers, tightness of chest, breathing problem following exercise, whistling sound from chest and colds continue to stay for 10 days or more.
If adults find irregularities or lessen lung capacity, it may be a symptom of asthma. Now you have to go to doctor for diagnosis. There is possibility of asthma and regular medication is necessary to keep asthma under control.

Disease like rheumatoid arthritis, hiatal hernia and some kind of stomach problems can produce symptoms of asthma. Besides these, allergy induced asthma symptoms are also there. Additionally, those who are smokers and aged, they can have emphysema and chronic bronchitis diseases. These diseases also show symptoms of asthma.

Asthma attack symptoms adults
Asthma trouble breathing
signs of asthma in teenagers
silent asthma symptoms
asthma and coughing at night
symptoms after an asthma attack
most common symptoms of asthma
asthma flare up at night

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