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Monday, March 23, 2020

Acupunture for asthma

Acupunture therapy for asthma
People in China use acupuncture for asthma since a long time and now it is being used in Western countries and also in some other countries.

The acupuncture therapies for asthma done by acupuncturists are very simple. A needle is used in this therapy and the acupuncturist needles on the areas of chest and back under which lungs are present. There are so many acupuncture points on the front and back of the rib cage and these are pointed out to lessen the asthmatic symptoms. But comparatively few numbers of points are indicated in the textbook and also used in clinics.

As acupuncture therapy for asthma is partially supported by WHO, some people of biomedical community are paying attention towards it. People like to take the treatment of acupuncture for asthma for thousand years. It alleviates the asthmatic symptoms safely and successfully.

Generally, it is known that, asthma can happen due to the irregularities in functions of the lungs, kidney and stomach. To ease asthma different acu points are searched on the three meridians, such as, the lungs meridian, the portion of stomach meridian which surrounds the chest region and the portion of the kidney meridian which surrounds the chest region. The bladder meridian is also important as the bladder points present on the upper back side are used for the treatment of asthma. It is treated as the most important asthma treating point because it strongly controls the breathing during asthma.

Lung meridian (Lung acupuncture points for asthma):

The lungs are the main organs in asthma because it works as the main entrance by which all functions of the body are carried out. According to Ted Kaptchuk, the lung system is the ground where the outside Qi(natural air) gathers inside the body. During inhalation, the outside natural air Qi is pushed downwards by the lung system. Then the lung system transmits oxygen through the blood to the whole body by expelling the impure air in exhalation.

This continuous process of air flow is not found in asthma patients. There are specific acupuncture points on the lung channel, which are chosen according to the type of symptoms. For example, Lung 1 is selected on the upper chest, if the asthma patient feels heaviness or pain in the chest. Lung 3 is chosen, if the patient expels blood during coughing or the patient has nosebleeds.

Stomach meridian (Stomach acupuncture points for asthma):

When there are irregularities in the stomach, the things, which have to go down, they come up and vice versa. In the upset stomach, Qi disturbs the downward motion of the air, which is carried out by the lung system naturally, and the person faces breathing difficulties. Stomach problem can create phlegm in the lungs and also causes congestion and frequent coughing.

In this case, the selected acupuncture point is stomach 36. Besides this point, in the stomach meridian region there are a number of points located on the chest and over the lungs. The points-stomach 13-16 are selected on the vertical line between the collar bones and nipples.

Kidney meridian (Kidney acupuncture points for asthma):

The kidney meridian points are located along the chest; which is also responsible for breathing problems. The kidney acupuncture points for asthma–kidney 22-27- are nearer to the stomach acupuncture points and these are located about two inches nearer to the midline of the chest.

The other job of the kidney system is to help the lungs in transmitting things downwards. The kidneys are able to collect the lung Qi and by giving acupuncture, the function of the kidneys can be improved. The acupuncture point kidney 3 helps in strengthening the kidneys with better airflow.

Bladder meridian (Back acupuncture points for asthma):

The Bladder meridian is situated at the backside of the body, which runs below the spine and there are so many points are located on the upper back, over the lungs. These points are highly effective for treating asthma. An acupuncturist or an experienced person who has experience in giving acupuncture can carry out this process.

The acupuncture points on the bladder meridian are known as Back Shu points. These are associated with some organ systems. Bladder 13, the Lung Back Shu point is used for relieving asthma. This point is present outside the spine and it is located at the level of the third thoracic vertebra. Except Bladder 13, other Bladder points of the upper back can improve asthma symptoms.

There is one more acupuncture point on the back, Dingchuan, is specially used for treating asthma. Dingchuan does not come under any meridian. It is an extra point located on the upper back, up to a half inch outside the spine. This point is mainly needled on both the sides of the spine.

Distal points:

These are located to the side of the lung meridian points on the arm. These distal points are treated as major points for curing asthma symptoms. Some points are used to treat specific symptoms of asthma.


Though there are different alternative therapies, acupuncture has a special approach towards treating asthma. There are various points in different meridian regions, but most of the acupuncturists treat by needling on lungs and focusing on the Dingchuan point. Dingchuan point is the main point, which is frequently used. Out of different points, the upper back points are valuable for treatment.

This treatment is widely used in Western countries. The therapy is given to the patient once in a week, irrespective of the disease condition. But in China it is given once in a day and the rate is decreased with the attainment of success. By this process the acupuncturist can get more knowledge about the important points, and the patient can get relief.

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chinese acupunture

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