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Monday, March 23, 2020

Tips for dry feet treatment at home

Tips to treat dry skin of feet: Pedicure, sugar scrub, lemon scrub, application of oat and honey mixture, aloevera gel, coconut oil, castor oil and fruit scrub can treat dry skin of feet.
Tips for dry feet treatment at home
We all are very watchful in taking special care of our face. But it is not enough to look beautiful. You should be careful for your legs and feet and search for very dry feet treatment. If your skin on the legs and feet are dry, dark and dehydrated, you will feel embarrassed before others. With this condition wearing of skirts, shorts, sandals and even anklets will not be accepted. 

You must be wondering why does it occur? How to treat dry skin of feet? What are the home remedies of dry skin? etc. Dry skin is found due to the accumulation of dead cells on the skin and if you do not scrub the skin for so many days, dryness will occur.
Here are some tips to treat dry skin of feet by removing dead skin from your leg and feet.

1. Pedicure:

Pedicure is a best process to remove dry skin from the feet. You need to do pedicure once in a week, if it is not done for longer period dry and hard skin will be found.

Put your feet in lukewarm water for half an hour and then remove the dry skin by the help of a foot shaver. Then rub your feet by a pumice stone and after wiping the feet apply a good quality moisturizer to the whole feet. Now you can feel your skin soft and smooth.

2. Sugar scrub:

Mix some powdered sugar, olive oil and water. Apply the mixture to your whole feet and leg and rub your skin with a soft brush. In this process, the dead and dry cell are removed and your skin becomes soft.

3. Lemon scrub:

The natural bleaching property of lemon makes it a good exfoliator in removing dead and dry skin from the body. It can help you for your dry feet treatment at home. Take the mixture of lemon juice, gram flour and rose water and apply to your feet and leg. Then rub the skin by a soft brush and remove the dead skin and as a result your skin will be refreshed.

4. Apply oat and honey mixture:

Make a paste of honey, oat and water and apply to your skin. Leave it for 20 minutes to dry and then wash it in water. By this process, you can get soft skin.

5. Apply aloe vera gel:

Aloe vera gel cannot be ignored in removing dead and dry skin. Simply extract the gel of aloe vera, massage it on your leg and feet for 20 minutes, and then it off in water. It also makes the skin softer.

6. Massage coconut oil:

Massage of Coconut oil is one of the best dry foot treatments to erase dry skin from the feet and the leg. Massage coconut oil on the dry skin of feet and leg and leave it for half an hour. Wash your feet with lukewarm water and a mild soap.

7. Massage castor oil:

In winter season when your skin becomes dry, make it a habit to massage castor oil in your feet every night before going to bed and wear socks. It helps you in keeping your feet smooth and supple.

8. Fruit scrub:

Fruit scrub is useful for dry heel treatment. Take some papaya juice and honey to prepare fruit scrub. Mix them, apply on your leg and feet, and keep it for 30 minutes. The acids, enzymes and minerals present in orange and papaya juice remove the dead tissues and make the skin fair. Honey also moisturizes the skin and improves the color of it.

dry heel treatment
cracked feet treatment
best way to treat cracked heels
best dry foot treatment
dry feet treatment at home
very dry feet treatment 

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