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Thursday, May 20, 2021

7 Benefits of Garlic

7 Benefits of garlic

Garlic helps keep blood clean, relax blood vessels and increase blood flow.

We all see garlic in our kitchen. It is loaded with a large amount of chemicals, and people can recognize it from afar. Garlic doubles the taste of any dishes. Though we use it to make our dishes tasty, it is more needed for its health benefits. It contains many substances, such as protein, enzymes and vitamins, flavonoids, and minerals like manganese, selenium, and other antioxidants, including allicin. Garlic has been used from Centuries because of its health benefits and now modern medicine is also using it for its healing properties.

Garlic helps keep blood clean, relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. So, add the freshest garlic cloves to your daily diet to gain these benefits for your body. Besides these, it has other health other benefits.

Benefits of garlic:

1. Garlic for Colds and Flu

It is very beneficial during colds and coughs. As garlic brings warmth to the body, it should be eaten more during the cold. Garlic improves the immune system and decreases the severity and length of cold and flu symptoms. According to studies, the average length of cold symptoms was reduced from five days to a day and a half.

2. For pain relief

When there is pain in the body, heat and massage the garlic and mustard oil together to get rid of the pain.

3. Makes Blood Pressure better

Garlic reduces inflammation and improves blood flow in the body. Different studies reveal that regular intake of garlic supplements could lower blood pressure by 10%. So, you can make it a habit of taking four cloves of garlic a day.

4. Reduces Cholesterol

Garlic helps in lowering cholesterol. As a result, it can lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease. In a research, it has been seen that a group of people could lower their cholesterol levels by taking garlic regularly over a period of five months. Thus, by adding garlic to your regular diet is a healthy way to improve health year after year.

5. Makes the Bones Stronger

Garlic has another good quality of increasing estrogen in females. After menopause, when women suffer from bone related diseases like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, garlic can work as a boon for them. Regular intake of a small dose of garlic can help reduce this risk. In addition to this, women should take green leafy vegetables, fish, dairy products and nuts for stronger bones.

6. For Healthy Skin

Garlic is rich in antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties and these contribute healthy skin. Raw garlic reduces acne by killing bacteria. Similarly, Garlic’s antioxidant qualities protect your skin and reduce damage from free radicals. Thus, garlic is good at reducing aging process of the skin.

7. Improves Memory

The antioxidant present in garlic protects against brain damage and as a result your brain functions better at an old age. It happens with the better blood flow in the brain because of reduced cholesterol and reduced blood pressure. Therefore, one will not suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s with increase in age.


Tag - Ayurveda, health, Benefits of Garlic


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