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Monday, March 2, 2020

How to relieve tight quads by yoga?

How to relieve tight quads by yoga? when you get pressure on the quadriceps, it can be a difficult situation for you. Therefore athletes, trekkers, cycling enthusiasts, runners prefer to do yoga exercises to relieve tight quads.

Everyone gets stress and strain in different parts of their body. But when you get pressure on the quadriceps, it can be a difficult situation for you. Therefore athletes, trekkers, cycling enthusiasts, runners prefer to do yoga exercises to relieve tight quads.

What are the quads?

The quadriceps is a group of four large muscles which form the front of the thigh, from the top of the thigh bone (femur) to the kneecap (patella). These four muscles are the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris.

The quads expand or straighten the knee, bend the hip and also pull the torso and thigh close to each other.

What makes the quads get tight?

Activities like trekking, snowboarding, mountain biking, ski-ing and also surfing heavily put pressure on the quads. If you don't practice power yoga exercises, these muscles can become tight. The muscles can also get tighter if you sit for many hours in office or during travelling.

Impact of tight quads on your performance

Tight quads decrease your work efficiency, stamina, speed, power, and swiftness. Due to tight quads you feel pain in lower back and knee.

Necessity of yoga

Yoga exercises help in releasing tight quads by strengthening the glutes and opening the hips. But before practicing power yoga poses you need to consult your doctor for safety purposes.

1. Natrajasana (Lying-down Body Twist )

Lie straight facing upwards and stretch your arms out in line with the shoulders. Bend your knees and bring the feet close to the hips. Then bring the knees to one side by keeping one thigh on the other. At that time turn your head to the opposite side of the knees and look at the palm. Try to touch the shoulder blades to the ground. As the body is twisted, one of the shoulder blades gets elevated off the ground.

Now experience the elongation in the thighs, groin, stomach, arms, neck, and back staying in this pose.Stay in this pose for few minutes, then slowly bring the head to the center, and straighten the whole body. Then do this in the other side.

2.Dhanurasana (bow pose)

In this power yoga the shape of the body looks like a bow.

Lie on your stomach facing down. Keep your feet at a distance of hip-width and put your arms at the side of your body. Then, exhale, bend your knees and bring the heels towards your buttocks. Now, hold your outer ankles with your hand by reaching back. Inhale, lift your heels towards ceiling . Your upper torso will be lift off the mat. Look forward and breathe slowly. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then exhale, lower your thigh and slowly release your legs to the floor.

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