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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

5 Foods That Increase Blood Count

Foods That Increase Blood Count: foods like green leaves, beet root, vegetables, almonds, iron, fruits etc increase blood count.

Blood count is essential to keep the body fit and healthy. Lower blood count can lead to diseases like anemia. If your blood count is low, you take medications, however you have to take nutritious foods which enhance blood cells and flow in whole body. Here we will discuss some foods that help in increasing blood count.

Green leaves:

Vegetables like spinach, celery, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, lettuce, kale, and sweet potatoes are good for the body. You can manage your weight gain and also develop blood count. Green leafy vegetables also remain the digestive system active.


Beetroot is rich in iron, a protein needed to amplify blood cells and progress blood flow. It is a natural blood purifier and also helps in detoxification. Thus, take beetroot regularly to improve your blood count. Beetroot leaves are excellent source of vitamin A and the roots of the beets provide vitamin C.


This is rich in iron and helps in increasing blood flow in the body. You can take it regularly as one ounce of almonds each day provides 6% of daily iron requirements.


Iron is an important mineral which our body needs. It not only makes the bones strong but also supplies oxygen to whole body. Shortage of iron causes anemia. You can take red meat, asparagus, fenugreek, almonds, dates, fig, oysters, potatoes, and raisins for iron.


People suffering from anemia are advised to eat fruits and green leafy vegetables. It is nutritious as well as effective in enhancing blood count in the body. Eat apricots, watermelon, apples, grapes, raisins, prunes and dried fig to make better blood flow in the body.

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