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Friday, February 21, 2020

Yoga Asanas to Improve Your Running Speed

Yoga Asanas to Improve Your Running Speed

Most of us think that running is the best exercise to achieve a well-toned body. It is one of the most widely practiced and inexpensive healthy ways to cut the extra pounds from the body. Besides this, it increases the stamina to do any work without getting tired instantly.
But doing tread need some caution. Running causes injury in the hip, thigh, knee, leg, ankle and foot regions. Therefore many instructors recommend doing some yoga exercises before the run. Yoga exercises are not only needed for running, it makes your body feet and healthy. Additionally you can practice yoga for beautiful face and toned body. If you spend few minutes in practicing these ancient yoga postures, you can able to go more miles when you strike the treadmill.

Both yoga and running have so many advantages and they help us in different ways. If you practice running without doing yoga, your tight muscles cause pain and injury. Therefore the instructors advise to practice the following yoga to loosen and strengthen different muscles.

1. Quad Stretch pose

For runners, this pose is most needed. If you practice this yoga exercise regularly, you can do it easily after few days. Furthermore, quad stretches helps in preventing injuries associated with running.

Kneel on the floor. Step right leg out in front of you and go forward enough so that you will not rest fully on the left knee. Then grab the left foot by the left hand. To give your body a twist you can do twisting quad exercise by holding the left foot with the right hand.

You can also try this near a wall. Kneel on the ground close to a wall. Sneak forward on one foot to come into a dive and place the back of the shin touching the wall. Keep in mind that you should come forward enough so that your weight will not directly on top of the knee. In this pose take 6 to 8 deep breaths.

2. Fallen Warrior pose

As you've already opened up the quads little bit, now you have to the fallen warrior pose. Fallen warrior is also known as Trikonasana or triangle pose which is done on the floor.

Before starting triangle pose take few deep breaths for the inner thigh. Keep the hips over the front foot and slowly come to the ground. Sit on the ground by putting your right leg forward and the left leg behind. Most runners feel tightness in this pose; therefore the person fails to keep the back leg straight behind him. Though that is okay, try to keep the front leg straight as much you can do. Stay in this position till taking five long, deep breaths.

You can also press up the hands to some inches and return to the back foot to do hip rotation and do the varying degrees of the triangle pose.

3. Forward Bend Pose or Hastapadasana

Stand straight keeping the feet together and arms beside the body. Stabilize your weight evenly on both feet. Inhale and stretch your arms overhead. Breathe out, bend forward and then down towards the feet.

Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds and carry on breathing deeply. Keep the legs and spine straight. You can keep your hands on the ground near to the feet or on the legs.

Breath out, move your chest towards the knees; raise the hips and tailbone higher; press the heels on the floor; make the head relaxed and move it slowly towards the feet. Continue breathing deeply.

Then breathe in, extend your arms forward, then up, slowly come to the standing position. Breathe out, bring your arms to the sides.

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