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Friday, February 21, 2020

5 Soothing Steps for Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder through Therapy

5 Soothing Steps for Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder through Therapy

People with anxiety disorders spend their most of the time in agitate state. In earlier times anxiety was dangerous for keeping one alive, but today it is not considered as dangerous. It is associated with a constant, low-level threat that causes constant anxiety for many. The psychological industry has named it ‘generalized anxiety disorders’ or GAD.

People with GAD stay in a state of tense and anxious over things which may not create botheration for others to that extent. This feeling continually distracts the person from a healthy living and the person struggles all the time to stay alive instead of enjoying.

Though anxiety in elderly people is less common, but usual anxiety disorders in older people include health anxiety, fear of falling and family problems. You can help ease by giving proper elderly care and also by taking a home attendant service.

Thanks to evolutionary psychology that it is helping people with GAD to live a comfortable healthy life. Here are some steps.

1. Increase attachment with others

We live in the society to stay away from isolation. To overcome GAD, you need support from other people. But it doesn’t mean to make so many friends. Keep social relation with someone who tries to help you in an effective way to soothe your nervous system and eliminate worries and tension.  Try to connect with someone with face to face on a regularly, like a family member, or a friend etc. You can talk with that person for continuously, who will give you enough time without judging, criticizing, or repeatedly distract you from bad thoughts.

Talk it out when your worries start growing. When you feel weighed down with anxiety meet with a faithful family member or a friend. You can share your worries with that person and feel relaxed.

2. Get moving

Yoga and exercise are natural and effective ways for anxiety treatment. It eases tension, diminishes stress hormones, improves feel-good chemicals like serotonin and endorphins, and improves the brain in ways that it becomes less anxiety-prone and more flexible.
Exercises for stress and anxiety

30 minutes of exercise can be okay to get relief from GAD. You can do exercises in which you can employ both your arms and legs, such as walking, running, swimming, or dancing.

For better benefits, try to add mindfulness element to your exercises. Instead of focusing on thoughts concentrate on how do you feel when your body works. Feel the sensation when you dance, swim or while doing a particular exercise. This feeling can ease your worries from your mind.

3. Practice relaxation techniques to ease GAD

Anxiety is much more than a feeling. In this state of mind your heart strikes, breathing speed increases, muscles get stressed and you feel dizzy. But when you’re relaxed, you feel the total opposite of it. You breathe normally, heart beat becomes normal, your muscles get relaxed, and your blood pressure soothes. Therefore, practice effective relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation and muscle relaxation etc.

4. Take on anxiety busting habits

A healthy, balanced lifestyle keeps the symptoms of GAD under control. With regular exercise and relaxation, take on other lifestyle habits to check chronic anxiety and tension.

Anxiety and tension cause insomnia. Lack of enough sleep can also give rise to anxiety and stress. You can improve your sleep by changing some day time habits and some bedtime routines.

5. Take healthy diets

Reduce taking up drinks like soda, coffee, tea and completely avoid alcohols. The caffeine drinks and alcohols work like a stimulant which activates all kinds of tensed physiological effects that look and feel like anxiety. It also worsens GAD symptoms.

Increase the habit of taking healthy diet and do not stay without meal for long time. Always take your breakfast and other meals at right time. Try to eat plenty of fruits, and vegetables and avoid sugary and fast foods. 

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