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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Reduce Cholesterol Naturally with Yoga

Reduce Cholesterol Naturally with Yoga:Yoga poses like Kapal bhati pranayama, Paschimottanasana can help reduce cholesterol.
Today cholesterol is a big problem for many people. It is a lipid found in the blood which is considered as harmful for us. But cholesterol protects our body and it is necessary for the usual functioning of the body. It builds the membranes and membrane fluids, synthesizes Vitamin D and hormones like progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.

Although it is essential, presence of too much cholesterol in the body causes problems like blockage of arteries resulting heart related complications. To keep it under control take healthy foods habits and practice regular yoga for weight loss and also to look attractive do yoga for beautiful face.

1. Kapal bhati pranayama (Skull shining breathing technique)

Kapal bhati pranayama is one of the best yoga for weight loss. It enhances the metabolic rate, burns fat and as a result weight decreases. It also improves the abdominal organs and advances functioning of the digestive tract.
Reduce Cholesterol Naturally with Yoga:Yoga poses like Kapal bhati pranayama, Paschimottanasana can help reduce cholesterol.

Sit straight comfortably and put your hands on the knees, facing the palms to the sky. Take a deep breath and then exhale by pulling the navel towards the spine. You should do it according to your comfort. Place your right hand on the tummy to feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles. When you bring your navel into normal position, the air flows into the lungs automatically.
You can take up to 20 such breaths for one round of Kapal Bhati pranayama.
After finishing the yoga keep your eyes closed and feel the sensations in your body. Repeat two or more rounds of such breathing technique.

2. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

This yoga for weight loss not only stretches lower back, hamstrings and hips; it burns fats from the abdomen and tones the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic region.

Reduce Cholesterol Naturally with Yoga:Yoga poses like Kapal bhati pranayama, Paschimottanasana can help reduce cholesterol.

Sit straight on the yoga mat with stretching the legs straight in front of you, bend the toes toward you.
Inhale, lift both the hands above your head and extend up. Exhale and bend forward from the hip joints and touch the toes. Breathe in, raise your head slightly and stretch your spine. Exhale and slowly move the navel towards the knees. Do this process two or three times. Now inhale, stretch the arms out and return to the normal sitting position. 

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