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Friday, February 21, 2020

Does yoga help with weight loss?

Does yoga help with weight loss? Some yoga poses can increase digestion and burn calories and as a result help reduce weight
Weight loss occurs when the calorie intake of a person is less than the calorie expenditure. Therefore people need to change their food habit and energy expenditure.

There are so many poses of yoga for weight loss by which you can increase digestion and burn calories. In yoga for weight loss you use lesser calories in comparison to usual exercises like walking, jogging etc. Though it is lesser effective, it improves the mindfulness and also enhances the balance between the mind and body.

Everybody knows that food is the main cause of weight gain. So people are becoming more aware of their food habits and will choose better foods. The techniques of yoga require full body movement.  More stamina, strength, core work and a strong cardiovascular system are needed to do yoga comfortably. In 60- 80 minutes yoga you can lose 250- 300 calories. The plus point of yoga is that people of any age, shape and fitness can do yoga.

Anxiety and depression are associated with each other. Today people are too much mentally sick due to these two unhealthy mental conditions. An unhealthy mental state is always reflected on the activities of the concerned person and it also affects his/ her physical appearance, eating habits, social and personal life, relationships etc.

Yoga is such a healing agent who re-establishes balance between the body and mind. Regular practice of yoga improves the state of concentration, inner consciousness and helps in reducing the production of hormones by adrenal glands due to stress. When there is a balance persists between the body and mind, your mind becomes cool and calm, and as a result diseases like insomnia, indigestion get cured. When your mind gets free from so many unhealthy conditions, you get enough sleep and ultimately so many diseases cured and your body stabilizes with a proper weight.

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