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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Simple Home Remedies To Remove Blackheads

Simple Home Remedies To Remove Blackheads: Ingredients like cinamon, potato, baking soda, honey, lemon juice can be used to remove blackheads.
At any age, people can have problems with blackheads or open comedones on their skin. This is a common issue in the teenage and adolescent years when the skin pores get clogged.

Excess oil or accumulation of dead cells in the skin pores cause blackheads. Though these are smaller in size, these cut your beauty. The tiny bumps look dark, not due to dirt but by the reason of oxidization. This occurs as the clogged pores are exposed to the air.

Blackheads mainly occur on the nose. They can also come out on the chest, neck, back, arms and shoulders. If you leave them untreated, they can prompt acne breakouts.

Though there are many medications for the blackheads, always go for natural treatments. With simple ingredients often found in kitchens, you can remove your blackheads quickly. Here we will discuss some of them.

1. Cinnamon

Take one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, one teaspoon lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric powder and mix properly. Apply it on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Then wash it off.

2. Baking soda

The antiseptic property of baking soda works wonderfully to remove blackheads. Make a paste of baking soda by adding some water in a glass or ceramic bowl. Apply on the blackheads and leave it to dry. Then after 10 minutes, wash it in lukewarm water. Do this twice in a week.

3. Potato

Potato not only helps in treating acne but also removes blackheads from your face. Rub potato pieces strongly on your blackheads and then use a towel to wipe the face.

4. Honey

Honey is one of the best natural ingredients that removes blackheads easily. Heat a little amount of honey and add some sugar to it. Then rub it on the blackheads. It acts as a good exfoliator.

5. Oatmeal

It relieves irritation, eliminates dead skin cells, and absorbs excess oil from the face. Cook oatmeal with distilled water and after cooling use it on your blackheads. Leave it for 15 minutes and after that rinse with lukewarm water. Do this once in a day.

6. Lemon juice

Lemon juice has citric acid which naturally removes dead skin cells and stops clogged pores. It also contains vitamin C which is an anti-oxidant and stimulates the production of collagen to improve skin health.

After washing the face with a natural cleanser, take some fresh lemon juice and apply it to blackheads with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it for some time and then wash the face with cold water. Do this treatment once per day.

7. Green tea

You can also use green tea to treat blackheads. Make a paste of green tea leaves with a little water. Gently rub the paste on the blackheads for two to three minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. This cleanses oil and removes blackheads from the face.

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