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Friday, February 21, 2020

How Can I reduce back neck pain and Back Pain

How Can I reduce back neck pain and Back Pain

It has been found that nearly 95% people suffer frоm back pain at any moment of their life. There must be some reason behind bасk pain. If the pain persists for more than 15 days, then it is called as acute bасk pain and if it continues for long time without any treatment, it is known as chronic bасk pain. The reasons behind bасk pain саn bе due to injury, strain and disease. Most of the time pain is felt in the adjacent part of the affected area. This is known as "referred pain". Sometimes many women suffer from back pain due to pregnancy or menstruation.

How to reduce back pain?

A good sleep is necessary in reducing back pain. Always sleep on a good mattress and keep a pillow under your body to maintain the curve in your spine. You can also test by sleeping in different postures.

Do some gentle exercises to feel the difference.  Slow walking and some easy yoga poses can help you in reducing pain.

You can visit a physiotherapist for body massages and treatments.

Try some herbal supplements and topical treatments. Sometimes you can take pain killers according to the prescriptions of doctors.

Neck Pain

Similarly neck pain occurs due to life style, different disorders and diseases.. Neck pain can also happen due to some viral infections, throat infections, tuberculosis of neck, infections in the spine bones, muscle infections of neck etc.

How do I get rid of neck pain?

There are so many ways to reduce neck pain. First consult the doctor. He will evaluate the cause of pain. The reasons may be injury, wrong sleeping posture or prolonged sitting before computer, arthritis, chronic pain etc.

A physiotherapist can treat you to reduce pain caused due to injury. This treatment has other benefits like,

1.Identifies other causes of pain.
2.Gives you instruction by which you can reduce the risk of further pain
3.Makes the affected areas of the neck stronger by specialized exercises.

An acupuncturist can also help you in reducing neck pain by giving his treatment. But it may be fruitful for some, while others do not get any relief by this treatment.

Change your sleeping pattern and pillow. Take some intervals during working and you can practice some corporate yoga at this time to get some relief from neck pain.

In case of more pain you can take pain killer tablet according to the instructions of your doctor.

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